Posts in Interviews
Yes And... with Gina Trimarco (Re-Broadcast)

The concept of "Yes and" is a cornerstone of improv comedy. Now you may wonder what that has to do with you. Well, our guest today Gina Trimarco is here to tell you. Gina is a sales trainer, a consultant with Pivot10 Results, founder of Carolina Improv Company and host of the wonderful Women Your Mother Warned You About podcast.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Doing It Old School with Jay Jensen

There are so many new tools and methods to prospect and make connections. But today's guest knows that none of those matter without the foundations of old school sales.

Jay Jensen, CEO of Sales Inc. joins Jeff today. He is irreverent, authentic, and a straight shooter with a dry wit that is often missing in the world of sales leaders.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Defeat Call Reluctance with Connie Kadansky

Just pick up the phone! It's that easy right? Not really. But today's guest is here to break down your call reluctance. Connie Kadansky is a sales trainer, coach and authority on sales communication.

She talks with Jeff and Christie about how call reluctance is an emotional reaction to a perceived threat - also known as fear.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Sales 101 with Dawn Deeter

Some salespeople are born with it. Some jump into the sales pool, and it's sink or swim. But there's something new emerging at universities across the country. College courses in sales training.

Today, Jeff and Christie welcome Dawn Deeter, professor and creator of the National Strategic Selling Institute at Kansas State University. Dawn's program delves into how communication has evolved in sales, the importance of the prospect list, role play, how to bounce back from rejection, and coaching for effort to get results.

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Don't Fear The Ask with Tony Morris

Why do so many salespeople hesitate or tip-toe around the ask? For today's guest, "ask" is more than just a word. It's a framework that he builds his sales philosophy and training on.

Tony Morris, author, speaker and sales trainer, joins Jeff and Christie today to discuss what is holding some salespeople back from their full potential. Too many people are hiding behind emails and social media, when those should just be used as tools to generate a real human conversation.

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Good Empathy with Bernadette McClelland

We've heard a lot about empathy lately in regards to our sales approach. But today's guest says that there are different kinds of empathy, and not all of them are good.

Bernadette McClelland is an influential sales coach and keynote speaker. She explains that "good empathy" is one that encapsulates logic, outcomes and compassion. Being overly empathetic with no forward path, can lead you right out of a sale.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Smart Calling and Smart Training with Art Sobczak

"More opportunities have been lost from people saying or thinking, 'I've tried that before. I've done that before. I've seen that before.'" That's from our guest today, Art Sobczak, who is fighting what he calls the "Measles Shot" view on training. Art gives us some different ways to think about getting better at outbound selling, cold calling, rejection, human connection, voicemails and so much more.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
What's Your Right Now?

So much of what we have heard these last few months has been, how to sell right now, how to position yourself to come back stronger, how to be put aside fear in the face of an uncertain marketplace. But some days, you wake up and you just feel down and defeated and in a bad head-space. And that's ok.

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Big Deals, Win Themes and Soft Touches with Lisa Magnuson

Author and founder of Top Line Sales, Lisa Magnuson joins Jeff and Christie today and gives targeted details on how to adjust your approach in times of uncertainty. Lisa's message to salespeople is to lead with a soft touch. Identify what your clients can handle right now, reframe old lines of questioning, identify your strengths that tie to your clients priorities, and focus and simplify to find something they can say yes to now.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek