Big Deals, Win Themes and Soft Touches with Lisa Magnuson


The economy is slowing but there is still work to be done that can win you big deals when the crisis subsides. Author and founder of Top Line Sales, Lisa Magnuson joins Jeff and Christie today and gives targeted details on how to adjust your approach in times of uncertainty. 

Lisa's message to salespeople is to lead with a soft touch. Identify what your clients can handle right now, re-frame old lines of questioning, identify your strengths that tie to your clients priorities, and focus and simplify to find something they can say yes to now.

Plus! Jeff explains how to use times of crisis to sharpens your skills and carry that forward to what we need to be doing every day.

Get a free call planning template at Lisa Magnuson’s website

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The Why and The Buy is a Pod About It Production.

InterviewsJeff Bajorek