Posts in Interviews
That's a Wrap!

Well the day has come. This is the final The Why and The Buy podcast, after 5 years, 432 episodes and over 200,000 downloads. Jeff and Christie have a last co-hosting conversation about starting out, what they learned, what they might have changed, what incredible guests they've had, knowledge they've gained, value they've shared, and connections they've made along the way.

To all the listeners of the show - a heartfelt thank you!

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Integrity Sells with Todd Caponi

"If the truth won't sell it, don't sell it." This is the favorite quote of today's guest. This is also the second to last episode of podcast, and the final interview. So Jeff reached out to his brother from another sales mother Todd Caponi to have that honor. Todd has written the book on transparency in sales. In fact he's written two. So it's no surprise that the conversation leans into integrity in selling. Why is it so important? It feels good to honest and trustworthy, it helps the sales profession, and more importantly, it sells better.
Todd urges people to be honest with prospects about what you can't do, but then be a resource to help them. You will be rewarded time and time again. It's a final interview filled with insight, fun, and feeling.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Increase Your Outreach Odds with Jason Bay

As the victory lap starts to enter the final turn, Jeff and Christie welcome the foremost authority on outbound prospecting – outbound sales coach and trainer, Jason Bay. Today Jason focuses on opening up opportunities and increasing your odds of getting what you want, AND actually enjoying yourself along the way. How about decreasing the effort by reframing how you think of prospecting, and by making different decisions throughout the process? Jason also discusses the best areas to focus your time to get a meeting, and a lot more practical, and brilliantly straightforward tips to give you the advantage in your prospecting.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
The Revealer with Mike Weinberg

One of Jeff’s longtime best friends steps into the final few rounds of the victory lap! Mike Weinberg, best-selling sales author, trainer, consultant, and speaker is here. They take a hard look at the discovery process and how to arrive at those moments where you can move someone to a different perspective, and how to unlock the deal. Mike calls this time of selling through the pandemic, “the revealer.” It has honed the salespeople that are serious, committed, resourceful, and are willing to adapt and learn. It has also shone a light on those that are not.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Bring The Value with Jeffrey Gitomer

Jeffrey Gitomer doesn’t like shortcuts. In fact he says to “take the long cut.” This is where you will discover the value. That is the consistent theme of today’s show. Bringing the value is about more than money. If you’re a salesperson going to hear someone speak, or taking a course, then you better walk away with valuable information. When you sell to a client, you are there to provide value. Not by just knowing about their business, but by having insight, and genuinely interacting and providing solutions for them. He also expresses the value of investing in ourselves. This past year Jeffrey has been focusing on consultative selling. Memorized sales pitches with slide presentations drive him crazy. Of course he practices what he preaches, so he brings valuable tips and insights on improving your own consultative selling approach, and much more.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Healthy Conversations with Larry Levine

Another big name and great friend of the show comes in for his leg of the victory lap - Larry Levine. No one knows about selling from the heart, better than him. He literally wrote the book on it. Larry talks about leading with authenticity, empathy and connection, and boils it down to the simple term: healthy conversations. This episode is filled with wisdom and thought-provoking moments, all delivered with Larry’s signature wit and humor.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Intellectual Humility with Anthony Iannarino

So at this point in the show's victory lap, every guest is someone that you have to sit up and listen to. Today's guest is one of those people. Anthony Iannarino is a wise and calm harbor in the turbulent sea of sales. Anthony leads off the show with some tough statistics from the world of sales. People’s feelings about salespeople and salespeople’s feelings about sales. But don't fear, he brings sage advice to weather the storm. And hear about his upcoming book, ‘Elite Sales Strategies’.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
The Great Sales Reset with Mark Hunter

The victory lap continues with Mark Hunter, The Sales Hunter! On today's show the group kicks it off with a conversation about prospects vs. leads, and how understanding the intricacies and real definitions of these terms is so important. Jeff starts a discussion on sandbagging which opens up some great insights from Mark on complacency and momentum in your work. And this is Mark Hunter, so you know there’s a whole lot more, including his prediction of the great sales reset, and what supply chain issues and current over-purchasing will mean come 2022. All brought to you with his legendary energy, humor and positivity.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Time For A Change with Liz Wendling

Liz Wendling, author, sales consultant and coach, joins Jeff and Christie to kick off the two month “Victory Lap” of shows. And the subject is incredibly timely. The group discusses the importance of putting your time and energy into things that will give you the best returns. Or as Liz puts it, what do we need to put down in our business, so we can pick up something that serves us?

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Christie's Very Special Guest - Jessica Herrmann

Today's episode is a very personal and engaging one, with none other than Christie's younger sister Jessica Herrmann, Owner/Realtor of Great Georgia Realty. She explains how real estate sales, networking, and outreach have changed with social media and video now taking the driver’s seat. At the heart of this conversation is her story of independence and her entrepreneurial spirit that brought risk and fear, but also incredible success. She talks about balancing her career with the very thing that drives her, which is her family, and how coaching is such an important asset for her professional path.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Body and Mind with Orange Theory Coaches Missy Khasawneh and Erin Klei

Today Jeff brings a different twist to the show. A twist of orange - Orange Theory Fitness that is. If you follow Jeff on social media, you may know that he is a member of Orange Theory, and he knows how important it is that his physical and mental health are aligned. Today he welcomes his two favorite coaches to the show, Missy Khasawneh and Erin Klei. Jeff discusses how this correlates to the world of sales and business. Knowing your client, how they think, what’s important to them and how they communicate. Beyond that, the physical component is so important to keep both our bodies and minds performing at their best, and knowing how to push past your limits. The result can lead to the confidence and security to reach new levels professionally.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Democratizing the Story - Women In Sales Club

Today is a really special episode with two extraordinary women, Alexine Mudawar and Gabrielle Blackwell, creators of the Women In Sales Club room on Clubhouse.

They discuss with Jeff how it started and how it’s grown exponentially over the past year. It has become a place that women, AND men, can come together to share in depth conversations, allowing people to feel heard, respected, motivated, encouraged and gain knowledge and tools to be better personally and professionally. The beauty is in the method. It’s not a lecture or presentation; it’s a conversation. People telling their stories, successes, failures, and lessons learned. And through that interaction comes the magic. The Women In Sales Club is much more than a Clubhouse room – it’s a movement.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Rediscovering Discovery with Charles Muhlbauer

Today's guest admits that discovery was something that he never liked, really understood the reasoning of, and frankly didn't really do. But he also wasn't getting good results. Charles Muhlbauer, Lead Enablement Manager at CB Insights, decided to try something new and his sales took off. Listen to some incredibly important and beneficial advice along with some of Charles' uncomfortable sales experiences that forced him to pivot and sharpen his skills.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Your Biggest Competitor with Lee Salz

So that's the question. Who is your biggest competitor? You may have some possibilities pop into your head. But... you may not be right. Today's guest is here to tell you. Lee B. Salz is a leading sales management strategist and founder of Sales Architects and The Revenue Accelerator. He explains to Jeff and Christie that sales has never been tougher. And to come out the other side, you have to identify your competitors and then set yourself apart.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Uncrushed: Performance & Mental Health with Tim Clarke

Our world has seen some sweeping changes. The sales world, the business world, our personal worlds. In a shifting landscape, people are more ready and willing to change companies or careers. In this age of connectivity, many are feeling more disconnected than ever, while many are feeling pressures of home and work colliding. So Jeff and Christie knew the best person to talk to, in order to bring some sense, some calm and some focus to these rumbling anxieties. Tim Clarke, Senior Director of Product Marketing at Salesforce and President/CEO and Co-Founder of Uncrushed is here to talk about the state of our mental health.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Pushing To The Edge with Jordana Zeldin

What's the difference between hearing your first grader play the violin and your high school senior play the violin? One you want to listen to and one you don't, and practice! Our guest today is Jordana Zeldin, founder and sales coach at Spriing Training. In sales there is a lot of talk about what to do, and vague, big-picture advice with little to no follow up on how to do it. Jordana pushes past the occasional role playing, and talks about effective ways to develop skills so we are ready for game time.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Modern Selling... With Purpose with Amy Franko

Amy Franko joins the show today. She is a CEO, top keynote speaker, sales consultant and best-selling author of an amazing book called 'The Modern Seller.' This may set off thoughts of new data tools and technology to map out every facet of your sales process. But not so fast. Jeff and Amy have a discussion that dives deeper into the proper balance of leveraging the right tech while keeping the human connection that cannot be replaced.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek