Don't Fear The Ask with Tony Morris


Why do so many salespeople hesitate or tip-toe around the ask? For today's guest, "ask" is more than just a word. It's a framework that he builds his sales philosophy and training on. 

Tony Morris, author, speaker and sales trainer, joins Jeff and Christie today to discuss what is holding some salespeople back from their full potential. Too many people are hiding behind emails and social media, when those should just be used as tools to generate a real human conversation.

He also explains that you have to be in the right mindset, with an approach of helping your customer to solve problems and meet goals. Only by looking through the lens of your prospect, and not your own, will you be able to have real understanding and know how to get them to yes. 

Plus! Hear Tony give his simple, but incredibly impactful acronym to A.S.K.

Find out more about Tony here and  here

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The Why and The Buy is a Pod About It Production.