Posts in Interviews
Yes And... with Gina Trimarco

The concept of "Yes and" is a cornerstone of improv comedy. Now you may wonder what that has to do with you. Well, our guest today Gina Trimarco is here to tell you. Gina is a sales trainer, a consultant with Pivot10 Results, founder of Carolina Improv Company and host of the wonderful Women Your Mother Warned You About podcast.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Pia Silva is Back!

We are so honored to have one of our very favorite guests, Pia Silva, back on the pod. Author, speaker, consultant, coach and all-around badass. Pia tells us about her newest program that guides clients to becoming a celebrity in their chosen space. She explains the difference between content and long term marketing. PLUS! how being patient and persistent is the only path to seeing your hard work pay off. Listen in and find out Pia's dirty little secret to your sustaining success. 

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
The New Frontier of Employee Benefits with DeJuan Brown

What are the benefits you expect from the company you work for? Health insurance, 401k, and Dental, are pretty standard fare. But what about Netflix, Grubhub, or Lyft? We are so happy to have one of our favorite guests today, DeJuan Brown, VP of sales for Fringe. He explains how they are reshaping employee benefits, through personalization.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Are You Creating or Consuming? with Patrick Koenig

Our guest today is part sales guy, part brand influencer, part photographer and 100% golf lover. Patrick Koenig boldly changed his path in life by selling his house, buying an RV and traveling for a year playing and photographing over 400 golf courses along the way. His story is inspiring and boldly asks us how much of our lives are spent consuming and how much of our lives are spent creating things that can bring us satisfaction and success.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Retooling Your Referral Process with James Muir

“Referrals are unquestionably the highest leverage, lowest utilized sales channel that there is.”

James Muir literally wrote the book on closing. But today he is here to bring a whole new perspective on referrals including the “root of all referrals.” There is a right way to gather quality referrals and James shares it with us in this episode.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Doing Less, More Consistently with Jack Wilson

In sales, it's common to see people burning the candle at both ends, grinding away to try and meet their goal that month or finally land a certain client. It's also common to see that candle burn out. Our guest today shows us how letting off the gas a bit, and refocusing your efforts, can avoid burnout and bring balance. Jack Wilson finally stopped pressing harder and started to measure the activity that actually got results. He found that when you clear your plate of the crap, and you do less more consistently, is when you see your results take off.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Success is Brewing with Chris Treater

Can a coffee mug change the world? Well it helped us discover today's incredible guest, Chris Treter. Chris is the CEO of Higher Ground Trading Company. He will share his journey in creating a coffee making business that is purpose driven and helps to fight inequality in third world countries. 

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Make Prospecting Fun Again with Jason Bay

How do you make a sale to a customer you don't even have yet? Prospecting... and that can strike fear and apprehension into the most seasoned salesperson. Jason Bay of Blissful Prospecting joins the show today with tips on how to make prospecting easier, more successful and maybe even enjoyable. Along with the importance of personalization and empathy, and opening lines to use and avoid. 

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Selling Big with Amy Volas

Are you ready to move from SMB sales into the big leagues? Our guest today is Amy Volas, an enterprise sales expert. She isn't afraid to ask the tough questions or give the tough answers to her clients. Amy will take us through her vast experience, discuss how she finds the right prospects for her process, and how starting the sales process is a lot like dating. 

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
3 Million Dollar Sales Strategies with Leah Neaderthal

Leah Neaderthal is NOT a salesperson, she's a business owner who had to learn how to get new clients. In that learning process she ditched everything salesy, kept everything that worked and developed a sales methodology that has a 92% win rate and has helped her acquire 3 million dollars in new business. Whoa. Today she's sharing all of her knowledge with mainly female business owners, entrepreneurs and (luckily for you) our podcast. 

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Save to Succeed with David Weiss

Are you controlling your money, or is your money controlling you? As you grow in your sales career, your bank account grows with it. And history has shown that spending will match or even outpace that growth. Our guest today has seen himself and others fall victim to not planning ahead.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Stop Being Bland Online with Darryl Praill

Is “social selling” a legitimate sales tactic or is it sales voodoo? Is it just cold calling and building relationships as we’ve always done in sales, or is it something more? Our guest today helps to dissect the intricacies of social selling and how to leverage it in order to market yourself and your product.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Master The Socials with Jake Dunlap

What works to build your brand on social media, and what doesn’t? Afraid of taking that first step, or letting your opinion be heard? Our guest today will put those fears to rest and show you how sharing your voice is a powerful tool in reaching greater sales success.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek