Posts in Interviews
When to Go All-In with Gwen Jimmere

Gwen Jimmere survived domestic abuse, a grueling divorce, and losing her main sources of income all while raising a child. She not only survived, she thrived. Her amazing story of resilience is one that everyone needs to hear but especially anyone that is making that critical decision between their side hustle and their main gig.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Going For No with Andrea Waltz

Andrea Waltz loves to hear people tell her, "No." She believes that getting a no from a prospect or customer can be a first, middle or last step to a sale if you're paying attention. Today she'll share what different kinds of "no's" mean, how to recognize them and convert them into a "yes." Plus she gives a "why" that absolutely stuns Jeff and Christie.

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The Philosophy of Account Planning

Are you developing a plan to make your next 10 sales? Have you developed a strategy to improve your prospecting? Is there a difference in those two things and if so, which should come first? The debate is ON today on The Why and The Buy! Christie and Jeff debate the merits, differences, and semantics around developing a sales execution plan. 

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
The Performance Mindset with Olympic athlete Katherine Adamek

Our guest today is Olympic athlete Katherine Adamek. In 2010 Katherine won a silver and bronze medal in speed skating at the Vancouver Olympic Games. But instead of celebrating and preparing for the next Olympic games she had to have three hip surgeries and years of rehab. In this episode we discuss how she trained for gold, prepared her comeback and maintained the resilience to maintain a life of success after her Olympic dreams came and went.

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SDR Magic with Morgan J. Ingram

We're taking a look (listen?) back at one of our favorite guests SDR wizard, expert, superstar Morgan J. Ingram. In this episode, we discussed the role of SDR, the advantages to starting your career there and the pitfalls that people who become SDRs and the people who manage SDRs make. 

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek