When to Go All-In with Gwen Jimmere


Gwen Jimmere survived domestic abuse, a grueling divorce, and losing her main sources of income all while raising a child. She not only survived, she thrived. She began Naturalicious as a way to generate income for her and her son Caiden and help women like her take care of their hair, save time and save the Earth. Now Caiden is 8 years old and helping Gwen with a business that is one of the fastest growing hair companies in the world. 

Her amazing story of resilience is one that everyone needs to hear but especially anyone that is making that critical decision between their side hustle and their main gig.

On today’s podcast…

1:29 - Gwen's journey begins with a Chris Rock movie, a soda can and hair relaxer

5:38 - Gwen goes all in when she didn't have a lot and the stakes were the highest

12:20 - Gwen achieved the trifecta and established a brand: best product, best service, lowest price

15:53 - Investing in your side hustle

21:40 - What's next for Naturalicious?

24:21 - Gwen lands her dream client by selling hair to a bald guy

29:52 - Gwen's why is rooted in helping other survivors of abuse chase their entrepreneurial dreams

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