The Greatest Salesman in the World with Luigi Prestinenzi


We're constantly being told as salespeople that we need to be brand experts, content creators, self-marketing savants. But...what about being a salesperson? For a lot of companies, inbound leads are up but a small percentage of those leads are resulting in sales. Why?

That's the question our guest today is tackling with companies around the world. Luigi Prestinenzi is a Sales Improvement Consultant with Sales IQ Group and Host of the Sales IQ Podcast. 

Luigi gets us refueled with fundamental sales principles and strategies that lead us to more personal connections, real business relationships and deals that close. He reveals why he almost quit sales after reaching the highest highs and what that can mean for the future of your career as a sales professional or entrepreneur. 

On today’s podcast…

1:00 - We're not live, but we're live
2:14 - Why interactions between people NEED to occur in an offline environment
7:00 - Not forgetting "the buy"
11:40 - Are you a salesperson or a content creator?
15:52 - Leads are up, sales are down. Why?
20:18 - Luigi had the best pipeline in his company...and he almost quit sales
24:12 - The power of a negative attitude
32:00 - Luigi's why is better together

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