Learning is Limitless, Learning is Life with Bronkar Lee

Our thought leader this month is Bronkar Lee, speaker, author, creative and amazing talent who's here to help us work through our theme for the month, preparation. How prepared do you need to be to learn a new skill? What kinds of strategies can you employ to master new skills as quickly as possible?

Bronkar has always been fascinated by learning, as both an enthusiastic student and insightful teacher. He has learned musical instruments and languages, crafted beatboxing techniques, and mastered numerous physical skills — even to the point of breaking world records. He applies these skills (as well as his interpersonal expertise in human connection) as a performer, coach, and educator, to  inspire countless audiences and individuals. A sampling of credits includes touring Europe as ringmaster to a world-renowned circus, teaching at-risk youth to develop the confidence to overcome abuse and addiction, and appearing with Jay Leno on the Tonight Show.

On this episode he shares his insights on learning, preparedness, purpose and changing what isn't working to achieve different results.

On today’s podcast

2:31 - Bronkar's unique preparation process

3:48 - The importance of lifelong learning in sales leadership

9:22 - How clown school and joining the circus changed Bronkar's life

14:06 - "The Mindset of the Serial Learner"

17:36 - How knowing yourself can unlock the keys to mastering skills quickly

21:06 - Bronkar's mathematical forumla to learning a skill

27:53 - The multiple definitions of "mastery"

35:00 - How being a child-like scientist can guide and accelerate learning

44:52 - More keys to develop new skills and become the best version of you

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