Posts in Interviews
Whatcha Readin' #8? Talking to Strangers, Copywriting and Harvard Business Review

It's time for Round 8 of our book club called Whatcha Readin'?. Jeff, Christie and guest hosts get together to deliver fantastic, life-changing, thought provoking book recommendations from renowned and more obscure sales thinkers. Today we're discussing the value of exposing ourselves to different opinions, understanding persuasive writing to understand sales and the difference between metrics and strategy.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Translate Your Message with Emily Griesing

Knowing what you want your brand, your company to say to the world is one thing. Knowing how to communicate that to the world is another thing. Our guest today helps business owners talk about what they do and how they help people in a way that engages prospects. Emily Griesing is the Co-Owner and Chief Strategy Officer at Bossible, a marketing and business development company that helps people find their inner boss.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
Untangling the Chaos of Entrepreneurship with Nikki Brafman

Has you entrepreneurial dream turned into a chaotic nightmare of appointments, wasted time, paperwork and stress? It's not uncommon for first time solopreneurs and small business to quickly become overwhelmed and lose hold of the missions and strategies their companies were founded on. Some are even addicted to the chaos, connecting "busy" with "profitable." Our guest today has lived that life and now she's helping business people untangle the chaos of the startup life. 

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
The Story You Must Sell with Mike Adams

All the world is a stage and all the sales you make are based on a story. You tell a story every time you speak to a prospect whether you realize it or not. Our guest today, Mike Adams, joins us to help make sure we understand the story we're telling and the message we're selling.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek
"What's Your Why?" Compilation

Jeff and Christie are wrapping up their summer vacation and we have one last look back episode. This is a compilation of some of the best "Why's" in our show's history. If you're interested in hearing the full episodes behind the why, links have been included in the shownotes.

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InterviewsJeff Bajorek